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Kirk M Samuels

Kirk M Samuels is “The Intimacy Incubator”. He is a gifted speaker, emcee and a former award-winning member of Toastmaster’s International.

For thirty of the first forty years of his life, Kirk was addicted to pornography. Numerous relationships and careers suffered as a result. At his lowest point, Kirk was ready to end his life. Then, after the most
significant of breakthroughs, Kirk created a class for men called Free Indeed. Kirk’s real, practical experience makes him uniquely qualified to
speak about today’s porn consumer and relationships. His first book For Your Eyes Only: The Inside Scoop About Men, Porn, and Marriage reveals to women how her man can become addicted to her. His second book Seven Secrets of Modern Dating: The He Said/She Said Guide for Getting from Single to Spouse was an Amazon Best-seller in seven categories!

Kirk has been a featured radio personality on The Real Traci Rock Show and The Corner Café Radio. He is currently one of the Mad Men of Masculinity on over the air radio in the Denver Metro area as well as digitally everywhere on-line.

Kirk is a board member of Step Seven and Advisory Council of BeMen. He formerly served as an officer in the US Coast Guard and was born and raised in the Washington, DC area. Currently living in Parker, Colorado, he has 3 daughters and a son ranging in ages from mid-twenties to late teens.

Kirk M Samuels

6V Intimacy


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